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Updated on December 8, 2021

Some people are at a higher risk for serious infection if they catch the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. They include people age 65 and older, women who are pregnant and people with certain illnesses. COVID-19 vaccines (and boosters or additional doses when appropriate) are especially recommended for people in these groups.

为什么这些人更容易感染更严重的COVID-19? Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H约翰霍普金斯大学感染预防高级主任解释说.

Older Adults and COVID-19

According to the U.S. 美国疾病控制与预防中心截至2021年11月,美国有超过75%的死亡病例.S. 都在其中 people age 65 and older. And people in this age group comprise over 42% of those who end up in the hospital due to COVID-19. Here are some reasons why:

  • Older adults are more likely to have long-term health problems that can put them at increased risk for severe effects from COVID-19.
  • People’s immune systems tend to weaken with age, making it more difficult to fight off infections.
  • 随着时间的推移,肺组织变得越来越没有弹性, 所以像COVID-19这样的呼吸系统疾病是老年人特别关注的问题.
  • 老年人的炎症可能更严重,导致器官损伤.

在COVID-19大流行期间照顾老年人? Read more.


Lung Disease and COVID-19

不管一个人的年龄, some airway and lung diseases can set the stage for a more severe coronavirus infection because of scarring, inflammation or lung damage. These include:

几项研究指出,吸烟者患严重COVID-19的几率更高. A study also showed that people who vape regularly were five to seven times more likely to test positive for the coronavirus than those who don’t. Both current and former smokers and e-cigarette users may have lung damage that puts them at increased risk. 了解更多关于COVID-19、吸烟、电子烟和空气刺激物的信息.

如果这些条件中的任何一个适用于你, 接种疫苗很重要, 和你的医生一起学习如何保护自己, and ensure you have adequate supplies of maintenance and emergency medications on hand.


Heart Disease and COVID-19

尽管COVID-19最常影响气道和肺部, 心脏的作用是将氧气输送到身体的组织中. 当肺部因疾病而负担过重时, 心脏必须更努力地工作, which creates challenges for people who are already living with conditions such as heart failure, 冠状动脉疾病或心肌病.

The American Heart Association notes that viral illnesses similar to COVID-19 can raise the risk of a heart attack 对于血管中有斑块堆积的人. Research shows that viral illness can make it more likely for a piece of the plaque lining the vessels to break off and block blood flow to the heart.

接种疫苗,保护自己. Learn more about 由COVID-19引起的心脏问题.


People of any age who are currently being treated for cancer or who recently had it are vulnerable to severe COVID-19 if they catch the coronavirus. 对于那些患有血癌(如白血病)的人来说尤其如此.

Cancer treatment, 比如化疗、干细胞或骨髓移植, can weaken your immune system and make it easier to become infected with contagious diseases such as COVID-19.

Talk to your oncologist about when you should be vaccinated for COVID-19 and if you need to receive an additional dose if you are undergoing any of these therapies, since treatments that suppress your immune system may affect how well the vaccines protect you.

Pregnancy and COVID-19

Women who are pregnant and women who recently gave birth who contract COVID-19 are at higher risk of severe illness, complications and death. COVID-19也可能对怀孕产生负面影响, 它还会增加早产和死胎的风险. Underlying medical conditions such as heart disease and lung disease can further increase the risk for the mother and the baby. Pregnancy can also trigger changes to the immune system that can make you more vulnerable to respiratory viruses.

COVID-19疫苗是安全有效的,强烈建议用于 women who are pregnant. Learn more about COVID-19疫苗接种和妊娠.


People who have diabetes are at increased risk of getting very sick from the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. 1型和2型糖尿病都会导致血糖升高. 血糖控制不好会引起病毒性疾病, including COVID-19, more dangerous, possibly because higher blood sugar can create an environment where viruses are likely to thrive.

Also, 糖尿病会增加炎症,削弱免疫系统, 总的来说,这使得患有这种疾病的人更难抵抗疾病.

People with diabetes should adhere to their medication regimens and do everything possible to keep their blood sugar under control. Having an adequate supply of medications and staying in close touch with your doctor can add to your peace of mind. Also, get vaccinated for COVID-19 and take measures to protect yourself from infection.


Several diseases and medical treatments can weaken your immune system and put you at risk for coronavirus infection and more serious COVID-19. 这些包括一些遗传(基因)条件, untreated HIV, long-term steroid use, 实体器官或血液干细胞移植, 以及某些形式的癌症和癌症治疗.

如果你的免疫系统较弱,和你的医生谈谈你的COVID-19疫苗. You may benefit from an 额外剂量的COVID-19疫苗 确保你得到尽可能多的保护.

Read more: 器官移植后:COVID-19时代安全生活的14个策略


Researchers have discovered a link between some mental health conditions and increased risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and death. 这些情况包括情绪障碍,如抑郁和焦虑, 以及精神分裂症和相关疾病以及物质使用障碍.

Experts are still working to understand why and how these conditions increase the risk of severe COVID-19. In the meantime, 如果你有这些问题, 接种疫苗可以帮助降低患严重COVID-19的风险.


Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive and developmental problems can increase the risk of having a severe case of COVID-19, 特别是生活在集体护理环境中的人. 接种疫苗并采取措施保护自己免受感染.

患有癫痫不会增加你对冠状病毒的易感性. 阅读更多关于…的影响 COVID-19和用于癫痫患者的COVID-19疫苗.


People with certain chronic liver and kidney conditions may be more likely to experience severe COVID-19. 这包括乙型或丙型肝炎患者, 非酒精性脂肪肝, 非酒精性脂肪肝炎, 肝硬化和慢性肾病. 治疗肾癌或肝癌, such as chemotherapy, 也会削弱免疫系统,增加感染的风险吗.

如果你有这些情况, the CDC recommends getting vaccinated and staying in touch with your doctor to discuss any new symptoms or adjustments to your medications.


关于COVID-19与哮喘之间联系的研究正在进行中. Currently, there is no conclusive data supporting the idea that having asthma makes you more likely to catch the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 or that it puts you at higher risk of severe COVID-19. However, the 疾病控制与预防中心列出了中度至重度或不受控制的哮喘 作为一种可能增加住院风险的潜在疾病. It is important to get vaccinated and to take your asthma medications as directed to keep your asthma symptoms under control.

Learn more from the CDC about all underlying conditions that are associated with a higher risk of severe COVID-19.


Although severe coronavirus illness can occur in people without any known health issues, including young adults and children, those with the conditions listed above are more likely to have a serious and even deadly case of COVID-19.

以帮助保护这些高危人群, everyone needs to take steps to prevent spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. 接种COVID-19疫苗physical distancing, 勤洗手,彻底洗手, 戴口罩可以降低每个人的风险, 尤其是最脆弱的群体.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

